Friday, July 17, 2009


" Who is this Son of Man?"
—John xii. 34.

The name puzzled the Jews; but Christ loved and employed it beyond all others. I gather that He intends me to have a special delight in its meaning and message.

It rings forth the music of His nearness to me. His was an everlasting past; but He has identified Himself now with my changeful and indigent lot. He descends to my level, that He may taste my weakness and my weariness and the manifold troubles of my life. He clothes His glory in my nature, that He may have a true body and a reasonable soul to offer on the Cross for my redemption. He is close of kin with me, that He may be my pattern of faith and courage in temptation and sorrow. He is the Son of Man, a child of my own family, that it may be easy for me to believe in Him with my whole heart.

The name proclaims the music, no less, of his height above me. Something singular, unique, unparalleled, clings to One Who has to assure me that beyond question He is enrolled in my death- stricken race. Through the ages men had succeeded each other, and without exception they were tarnished and erring men. The taint was universal; the poison ran in the veins of every one. But then, in the midst of a sin-paralysed world, this Son of Man appeared, perfect in beauty and far-shining in grace. Ah! He is the very God in my flesh; and therefore He meets and overcomes my saddest and deepest and utterest necessity.

In His name I hear the music, too, of His spacious and unfettered salvation. Not of this nationality or of that is He Son ; He is Son of Man everywhere, under all skies and in all conditions. He is dear to the unchanging East and the enterprising West and the frozen North and the burning South. Many differences separate them among themselves ; but with one consent they turn to Him, and in Him they have a centre and a home. Wherever lost sheep and lost men wander to their undoing, He is the Redeemer suitable and sufficient. In His pardon and fellowship and holiness is there not ample room for me?

And His name sounds out the music of the new heavens and the new earth over which He will reign for ever. One day I shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power. One day He will give my beleaguered soul its final and consummate deliverance from the enemies that have survived so long, and He will invite me to enter into His joy. One day His monarchy of purity and love will be supreme; and the things that hurt and annoy, that corrupt and degrade, will not be found in all His holy mountain. O day of days, and goal of goals, to which He points my heart and leads my feet!

This Son of Man: none on my earth., and none in the heaven of heavens, can be compared with Him. Let me bring forth my diadem to crown His brow.

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